Frameworks: Use Cases - Knowledge Base for Developers (239)

Explore the different types of relationships available in Laravel and learn how to implement them in your projects with an example.
Use Laravel's controllers to easily transfer data to views & create dynamic webpages w/ an example.
Learn how to count the number of records in a Laravel table with an example.
Laravel Controllers: Learn how to call one controller from another with a step-by-step example.
Get the latest record from your Laravel database with an example of how to do it.
Transfer the Laravel project to another computer using the Git Clone command to save all the source and dependencies.
Learn how to reference images in Laravel using the correct file path with an example.
This article explains how to get data of an authenticated user in Laravel with an example.
This article shows you how to deploy a Laravel project to your hosting provider, with an example.
Learn how to extract data from Laravel models with an example.
Learn how to insert records into a Laravel table with an example.
Learn how to delete a record from a Laravel DB w/ an example: Create a controller, define a route, use Eloquent's delete() method.
Transform a Laravel collection into an array with examples: learn how to use the toArray() helper & other methods to manipulate your data.
Learn how to pass parameters in Laravel routes with an example.
Learn how to delete files from Laravel's storage with an example.
Learn how to retrieve data from Laravel's database using Eloquent ORM, with a step-by-step example.
Learn how to retrieve all GET parameters in Laravel, with examples to guide you through the process.
Learn how to add a column to a Laravel table with an example in this easy-to-follow guide.
Learn how to add a field to your Laravel database table with an example.
Learn how to update only one field in Laravel with an example.
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