How to get data from an authorized user Laravel

This article explains how to get data of an authenticated user in Laravel with an example.

How to get data from an authorized user in Laravel

Getting data from an authorized user in Laravel is a straightforward process. In this article, I'll show you how to get data from an authorized user using the Laravel's authentication and authorization system. The authentication and authorization system in Laravel is built on top of the Symfony Security Component.

The first step is to set up the authentication and authorization system in Laravel. To do this, you need to open the config/auth.php file. This file contains all the settings related to authentication and authorization. In this file, you can set the authentication guard and the authentication user provider. The authentication guard defines which guard is used to authenticate the user and the authentication user provider defines which user provider is used to retrieve the user's data. By default, the authentication guard is set to web and the authentication user provider is set to users.

Once the authentication and authorization system is set up, you can use the Auth facade to get the user data. The Auth facade provides several methods that can be used to get the user data. For example, the user() method can be used to get the currently logged in user. The user() method returns an instance of the IlluminateContractsAuthAuthenticatable interface which contains the user data.

// Get the currently logged in user
$user = Auth::user();

// Get the user id
$userId = $user->id;

// Get the user name
$username = $user->name;

The Auth facade also provides several other methods that can be used to get the user data. For example, the id() method can be used to get the user id, the check() method can be used to check if the user is authenticated and the guest() method can be used to check if the user is a guest. All these methods return a boolean value.

// Check if the user is authenticated
if (Auth::check()) {
    // Do something...

// Check if the user is a guest
if (Auth::guest()) {
    // Do something...

The Auth facade also provides several other methods that can be used to get the user data. For example, the validate() method can be used to validate the user credentials, the attempt() method can be used to attempt to authenticate the user and the once() method can be used to authenticate the user once. All these methods return a boolean value.

// Validate the user credentials
if (Auth::validate($credentials)) {
    // Do something...

// Attempt to authenticate the user
if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) {
    // Do something...

// Authenticate the user once
if (Auth::once($credentials)) {
    // Do something...

By using the Auth facade, you can easily get the data from an authorized user in Laravel. The Auth facade provides several methods that can be used to get the user data and to authenticate the user.

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