How to get all Get Laravel Parameters

Learn how to retrieve all GET parameters in Laravel, with examples to guide you through the process.

All Laravel Parameters

Laravel is a modern web application framework that grants developers a great deal of flexibility when building applications. The framework provides several ways to define and retrieve parameters, allowing developers to customize their applications. In this article, we will explore the different ways to access and manipulate Laravel parameters.

Routing Parameters

The most common way to access Laravel parameters is through the routing system. When a user makes a request to a route, the parameters defined in the route's URI pattern are available in the route's controller method. For example, consider the following route:

Route::get('users/{id}', 'UserController@show');

In this route, the {id} parameter can be accessed in the show method of the UserController:

public function show($id)

The $id parameter will contain the value of the {id} parameter in the route's URI pattern. It is important to note that all route parameters are optional. If a value is not provided for a parameter, the corresponding parameter will be set to null.

Request Parameters

Laravel also provides the Request class which allows developers to access request parameters. Request parameters are those sent to the application in an HTTP request. For example, when a user submits an HTML form, the form values are sent as request parameters.

The Request class provides several methods to access request parameters. The most common methods are the query and request methods. The query method is used to access query string parameters, while the request method is used to access POST parameters. Consider the following example:

$name = $request->query('name');
$email = $request->request('email');

In this example, the query method is used to retrieve the name parameter from the query string, while the request method is used to retrieve the email parameter from the request body. It is important to note that the query and request methods will return null if the specified parameter does not exist.

Configuration Parameters

Laravel also provides a configuration system which allows developers to store application-specific parameters in configuration files. These files are located in the config directory and each file contains an array of parameters. For example, consider the following configuration file:

return [
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'baz' => 'qux'

This configuration file contains two parameters: foo and baz. To retrieve these parameters, we can use the config helper:

$foo = config('foo');
$baz = config('baz');

The config helper will return the value of the specified parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.

Environment Variables

Laravel also provides the ability to set application-specific environment variables. These variables are stored in the .env file and can be accessed using the env helper. For example, consider the following environment variable:


To retrieve this variable, we can use the env helper:

$appName = env('APP_NAME');

The env helper will return the value of the specified variable, or null if the variable does not exist.


In this article, we explored the different ways to access and manipulate Laravel parameters. We saw how to access route parameters, request parameters, configuration parameters, and environment variables. With this knowledge, developers can customize their applications to meet their specific needs.

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