How to connect Editorconfig to VSCODE

How to set up editorconfig in VSCode: step-by-step guide with example.

EditorConfig is a powerful tool that helps developers keep their code organized and consistent. It's a simple configuration file that defines coding style rules, such as indentation size, file encoding, and line endings. It can be used in any text editor or IDE, including Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

The easiest way to connect EditorConfig to VSCode is to install the EditorConfig for VS Code plugin. This plugin will read your project's .editorconfig file and apply the settings to VSCode. To install it, open the Extensions panel in VSCode (View → Extensions), search for "EditorConfig" in the Marketplace, and click Install.

Using EditorConfig in VSCode

Once the plugin is installed, you'll see a .editorconfig file appear in the root of your project. This file contains the configuration settings for the project. If you don't see it, you can create it manually. For example, here's a simple .editorconfig file that defines the indentation size and the line endings:

root = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

You can add more settings to the .editorconfig file as needed. For a full list of available settings, see the EditorConfig website.

Once the file is in place, VSCode will automatically read it and apply the settings. You can check to make sure the settings are applied by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P), searching for "Settings", and then searching for "EditorConfig". This will show the settings that are being applied by the plugin.

That's all there is to it! With the EditorConfig plugin installed, your VSCode project will have consistent coding style rules that are easy to manage. Happy coding!

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