How to find out Chat Id Telegram bot

Learn how to find the chat ID of a Telegram bot with an example, so you can get started using bot features right away.

Finding Chat IDs for Telegram Bots

The Chat ID of a Telegram bot is an essential part of the bot's communication process. Knowing the Chat ID allows the bot to send and receive messages to the correct user. In this article, we will discuss how to find the Chat ID of a Telegram bot.

First, you need to be sure that your Telegram bot is active. If it is not, you will not be able to find the Chat ID. You can activate your bot by sending the /start command. Once your bot is active, you will be able to find its Chat ID.

The easiest way to find your bot's Chat ID is to use the Telegram Bot API. This API allows you to query your bot for information, including the Chat ID. To use the API, you will need a Telegram API key. You can obtain this key by creating a bot using the BotFather on Telegram.

Once you have a Telegram API key, you can use it to query your bot for its Chat ID. To do this, you will need to make an API request to the getUpdates method. This method will return a JSON object containing the Chat ID of your bot. Here is an example of a request to the getUpdates method using the fetch API in JavaScript:

  .then(function(response) {
    return response.json();
  .then(function(data) {

The API request will return a JSON object containing the Chat ID of your bot. You can then use this Chat ID to send and receive messages from your bot.

You can also find the Chat ID of your bot by opening the Telegram app and sending the /start command to the bot. The Chat ID will be displayed in the URL in the browser. For example, if the URL is[chat_id], then the Chat ID is [chat_id].

These are two methods that you can use to find the Chat ID of your Telegram bot. Knowing the Chat ID of your bot is essential for sending and receiving messages from it, so it is important to make sure you have the correct Chat ID for your bot.

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