How to make a code in Python VSCODE

Commenting code in Python VSCode: example "# this is a comment" to explain code & make it easier to read.

Creating a Simple Python Program in VSCODE

Writing a program in Python is easy and fun. With Visual Studio Code (VSCode), it's even easier. VSCode is a free, open-source, cross-platform code editor created by Microsoft. It provides an intuitive interface for writing and debugging code, and it supports Python out of the box.

To create a simple Python program in VSCode, you will need to:

  1. Open the VSCode application.
  2. Create a new file.
  3. Write the program code.
  4. Save the program.
  5. Run the program.

Step 1: Opening VSCode

The first step is to open the VSCode application. To do this, click on the VSCode icon on your desktop or launchpad. Once you open it, you will be presented with a welcome screen that has a few tutorials and other options.

If you are new to VSCode, you can take one of the tutorials to become familiar with the interface. Otherwise, you can close the welcome screen and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Creating a New File

The second step is to create a new file. To do this, click on the File menu at the top of the window and then select New File. This will open a blank file in the editor window.

At the bottom of the window, you will see the file type that is associated with the file. In this case, it should say Plain Text. To change the file type to Python, click on the file type and select Python from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Writing the Program Code

The third step is to write the program code. This is the code that will tell the computer what to do when the program is run. In this example, we will create a simple program that will print out a friendly message.

# This is a comment
# Comments are used to explain what the code is doing
# They are ignored by the computer

# This is the main program
def main():
    # Print out a friendly message
    print("Hello, world!")

# This is the entry point of the program
if __name__ == "__main__":

The code above is a simple Python program that prints out a friendly message. It begins by defining a function called main(), which is the entry point of the program. Inside the function, there is a single line of code that prints out a message. Finally, there is an if statement that checks if the program is being run as the main program and, if so, calls the main() function.

Step 4: Saving the Program

The fourth step is to save the program. To do this, click on the File menu at the top of the window and then select Save As. This will open a save dialog box where you can enter a file name and select a location to save the file.

It is best to save the file with a .py extension to indicate that it is a Python program. For example,

Step 5: Running the Program

The fifth and final step is to run the program. To do this, click on the Run menu at the top of the window and then select Run Without Debugging. This will execute the program and the output will be displayed in the output window at the bottom of the window.

In this case, the output should be the friendly message that was printed out by the program: Hello, world!.

Congratulations! You have successfully created and run a simple Python program in VSCode!

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