Add to Explorer Context Menu Sublime Text what is it

Add to Explorer Context Menu: Customize Your Sublime Text Experience; See How with an Example.

Adding Sublime Text to the Windows Explorer Context Menu

Sublime Text is an advanced text editor that is widely used by developers and programmers to write code. It is an excellent tool for creating websites, applications, and other software. Adding Sublime Text to the Windows Explorer Context Menu is a useful feature as it allows users to quickly edit files and folders without having to open Sublime Text separately.

The process for adding Sublime Text to the Windows Explorer Context Menu is fairly straightforward. First, open the Sublime Text application. Then, select Preferences from the menu bar and choose the “Context Menu” option. Finally, check the box next to “Open With Sublime Text” and click “OK” to save the changes.

Once Sublime Text is added to the Windows Explorer Context Menu, users can quickly edit files and folders without having to open the application separately. To use the feature, simply right-click on the file or folder and select “Open With Sublime Text” from the context menu. The file or folder will then be opened in the Sublime Text editor.

Adding Sublime Text to the Windows Explorer Context Menu is a great way to save time and make editing files and folders easier. It also makes it simpler for new users to get started with Sublime Text, as they will not have to go through the process of opening the application separately.

// Use the Windows Registry Editor to add Sublime Text to the Windows Explorer Context Menu

// Create a new registry key
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*shellOpen With Sublime Text]

// Set the display name for Sublime Text
@="Open With Sublime Text"

// Set the command to open Sublime Text
"command"="C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe" "%1"

After following these steps, Sublime Text should be added to the Windows Explorer Context Menu. Now, users can quickly open files and folders in Sublime Text without having to open the application separately.

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