Sublime Text 3 Unregistered how to remove the inscription

Unlock Sublime Text's full potential with this guide to remove the "unregistered" label and start coding.

Removing Sublime Text 3 Unregistered Inscription

Removing the unregistered inscription from Sublime Text 3 is a relatively easy process, and can be done without needing to purchase a license. To do this, you just need to locate the Sublime Text 3 preferences file, and make a simple edit to a line of code.

The first step is to locate the Sublime Text 3 preferences file, which is usually located in the user's home directory. On Linux and Mac OS X, it is usually located at ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Local/Preferences.sublime-settings. On Windows, it is usually located at %APPDATA%Sublime Text 3PackagesUserPreferences.sublime-settings.

Once you've located the preferences file, open it with a text editor. You should see a line of code that looks like this:

"update_check": true,

This line tells Sublime Text to check for updates on startup. To stop the unregistered inscription from appearing, you just need to change this line to false. It should now look like this:

"update_check": false,

Save the file and restart Sublime Text. The unregistered inscription should now be gone, and Sublime Text will no longer check for updates on startup.

By following these steps, you can easily remove the unregistered inscription from Sublime Text 3 without needing to purchase a license.

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