How to cancel the action in Sublime Text

How to undo an action in Sublime Text: Learn how to use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+z & the Edit menu for easy undo & redo.

Cancelling an Action in Sublime Text

Cancelling an action in Sublime Text is a simple task. If you want to cancel any action you've taken, you can press the Escape key or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C. You can also press Ctrl + Z to undo the previous action. This keyboard shortcut works for most commands and is the best way to quickly cancel an action.

The Ctrl + Z shortcut works for most commands in Sublime Text, including editing commands. For example, if you are typing some text, you can use the Ctrl + Z shortcut to undo the last action. This is especially useful if you make a typo or if you want to quickly cancel any changes you made.

In addition to the Ctrl + Z shortcut, you can also use the Ctrl + Shift + Z shortcut to redo the previous action. This is useful if you accidentally undo something that you wanted to keep. You can also use the Ctrl + Y shortcut to redo the last action.

Sublime Text also has a few other shortcuts that can help you cancel an action. For example, you can press Ctrl + Shift + K to delete the current line of text. You can also use the Ctrl + Shift + D shortcut to duplicate the current line of text. Finally, you can press Ctrl + Shift + A to select all text in the current document.

These are just a few of the shortcuts available in Sublime Text that can help you quickly cancel an action. If you are ever in doubt, you can always press the Escape key or use the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut to cancel any action.

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