How to make buttons in the Telegram bot

"Create eye-catching buttons for your Telegram bot with this simple step-by-step guide and example code."

Creating Buttons in a Telegram Bot

Creating buttons in a Telegram bot is a simple and straightforward process. It involves setting up a menu of options for the user to choose from, which are then sent to the bot as a response. This allows the bot to reply with a specific action based on the user’s selection.

To get started, you will need to set up a Telegram bot using the BotFather. This is a program that allows you to create and manage Telegram bots. From the BotFather, you can create a new bot and assign it a unique token. This token will be used to access the Telegram API and send messages to the user.

Once you have your bot set up, you will need to create the menu of options. This can be done in the form of a JSON object. The object’s key should be “text” and the value should be an array of strings representing the options for the user. Each option should be a string that can be used as the text for the button.

const options = {
  text: [
    'Option 1',
    'Option 2',
    'Option 3',
    'Option 4'

Once the options have been set up, you will need to send them to the user. This can be done using the Telegram Bot API. You will need to make an HTTP POST request to the “sendMessage” endpoint. The request should include a “chat_id” and a “reply_markup” parameter. The “chat_id” should be the ID of the user you are sending the message to, and the “reply_markup” should be the JSON object containing the menu of options.

const requestOptions = {
  uri: '',
  method: 'POST',
  json: {
    chat_id: ,
    text: 'Please select an option:',
    reply_markup: JSON.stringify(options)

The user will then be presented with the menu of options as buttons. When they select one of the options, the bot will receive a message containing the selected option as the “text” value. The bot can then use this information to perform the desired action.

Creating buttons in a Telegram bot is a simple and straightforward process. It involves setting up a menu of options for the user to choose from, which are then sent to the bot as a response. This allows the bot to reply with a specific action based on the user’s selection.

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