Code examples for the Developer tag - developer knowledge base ()

This article explores the features of VSCode, an open source code editor that makes coding easier and faster.
Discover why your Prettier setup in VSCode isn't working & how to fix it with this step-by-step example.
Discover the features and power of Sublime Text, the popular code editor, with an example of how to get started.
Sublime Text 3 is a powerful text editor with unexpected features like macros, snippets, and Goto Anything. See how it can help you write faster and better!
Learn how to configure robots.txt in Bitrix for effective SEO with an example.
Laravel provides a powerful API for file storage, allowing users to efficiently store & manage images. See an example!
"Find out how to properly start the migration of Laravel with an example and use the benefits of this framework!"
Python offers a simple way to add lines: the use of tabs or spaces. Example: Print ("Hello Tearld")
Learn how to create a Python requirements.txt file, with an example and step-by-step instructions.
Learn how to create a requirements.txt file for Python projects, including an example of how to format and use it.
Create admin panel using PHP & MySQL: learn how to create a secure, step-by-step example.
Build a PHP-based Parser: learn to create a parser from scratch with a step-by-step example.
Explore how to create tags in PHP with a simple example! Learn how to use PHP to create dynamic tags to make your webpage more efficient.
Learn how to create indentations in PHP with an example of using whitespace to enhance code readability.
Javascript Alerts: Learn how to use & create them with an example. Get your user's attention with a quick & easy popup.
"Learn how to write effective Javascript comments with a simple example to help you get started."
Learn how to write JavaScript code with examples! Learn syntax and create your own program with step-by-step instructions.