How to make a parser on php

Build a PHP-based Parser: learn to create a parser from scratch with a step-by-step example.

Creating a Parser in PHP

A parser is a piece of software that processes input data, like a string or file, and breaks it down into smaller components for further processing. For example, a parser might take a string of HTML and break it down into its component tags, attributes, and values.

In this tutorial, we'll be creating a parser in PHP. Our parser will take a string of HTML and break it down into its component tags, attributes, and values. We'll use regular expressions to perform the parsing.

Step 1: Define the HTML string

First, let's define a string of HTML that we want to parse. We'll use a simple string of HTML for this example:

$html = '<p>This is a paragraph.</p> <a href="">Link</a>';

Step 2: Create the Regular Expression

Now we need to create a regular expression that will match our HTML string. We want to match the opening and closing tags, as well as any attributes and their values. We'll use the preg_match_all() function to perform the matching.

$regex = '/<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[^>]*>(.*?)</1>/s';

This regular expression will match an opening tag, any attributes, the content between the tags, and the closing tag. The regular expression will capture the tag name, the attributes, and the content.

Step 3: Parse the HTML

Now that we have our regular expression, we can use it to parse the HTML string. We'll use the preg_match_all() function to perform the matching, and store the results in an array.

preg_match_all( $regex, $html, $matches );

The $matches array will contain the results of the matching. The first element of the array will be an array of all the matches, and the subsequent elements will be arrays of the captured groups. For example, the second element of the array will be an array of all the tag names, the third element will be an array of all the attributes, and the fourth element will be an array of all the content between the tags.

Step 4: Extract the Data

Now we have our matches stored in an array, we can extract the data from the array and use it for further processing. We can use a loop to iterate over the array and extract the data.

foreach ( $matches[1] as $key => $value ) {
    $tagName = $value;
    $attributes = $matches[2][$key];
    $content = $matches[3][$key];

The $tagName variable will contain the tag name, the $attributes variable will contain the attributes, and the $content variable will contain the content between the tags.

Step 5: Process the Data

Now that we have extracted the data, we can process it further. For example, we can use the parse_str() function to parse the attributes into an array. We can also use the trim() function to remove any whitespace from the content.

// Parse the attributes into an array
parse_str( $attributes, $attr );

// Trim any whitespace from the content
$content = trim( $content );

Now we have the data in a more usable format, we can use it to do whatever we need to do with it.


In this tutorial, we've seen how to create a parser in PHP. We started by defining a string of HTML that we wanted to parse, then used a regular expression to match the tags, attributes, and content. We used the preg_match_all() function to parse the HTML, and used a loop to extract the data from the matches array. Finally, we processed the data further, using the parse_str() and trim() functions.

Now that you know how to create a parser in PHP, you can use it to parse any string of HTML. Happy parsing!

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