How to make a file of Requirements Txt Python

Learn how to create a Python requirements.txt file, with an example and step-by-step instructions.

Creating a requirements.txt File for Python

A requirements.txt file is a simple text file that lists all of the Python packages and their respective versions that your project depends on. This file is used by tools like pip to automatically download and install the packages you need to run your project. It's a great way to keep track of all the packages your project needs and ensure that everyone who works on the project is using the same versions.

To create a requirements.txt file, you'll need to know the names and versions of the packages you need to install. You can find this information in your project's file, or you can use the pip freeze command to get a list of all the packages installed in your virtual environment.

Once you have the list of packages and their versions, you can create the requirements.txt file. To do this, simply create a text file and enter the package names and versions, one per line. Here's an example of what it might look like:


Once you've created the requirements.txt file, you can use it to install the packages you need. To do this, simply run the pip install -r requirements.txt command from the command line. This will install all the packages listed in the file, ensuring that everyone who works on the project has the same versions installed.

Creating a requirements.txt file is a great way to keep track of all the packages your project needs, and ensure that everyone who works on the project is using the same versions. It's a simple, but powerful tool that can save you a lot of time and effort.

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