Code examples for the Website tag - developer knowledge base - page 3 (71)

Learn how to use sitemaps & robots.txt to maximize your website's visibility & crawlability, plus an example of each.
Learn how to set up a host directive in robots.txt to enable secure https protocol with an example.
Learn how to set up Robots txt for Yandex using an example, and make sure your website content is indexed correctly by search engines.
Robots.txt: what it is and why it matters, with an example. Learn how to control which web crawlers can access your site for better SEO.
Learn how to edit your robots.txt file to maximize SEO with a step-by-step guide and example.
Learn how to use Robots.txt to prevent search engine indexing of your entire website with an example.
Learn how to configure robots.txt in Bitrix for effective SEO with an example.
Learn how to create the perfect robots.txt file for WordPress with an example to get the most out of your SEO.
Learn how to find & configure the robots.txt file in WordPress to control which search engines can access your website. Example: "User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/"
Robots.txt is a file used to control which parts of a website search engine bots can access. Learn how to use it with an example.
Learn how to use the Directive host robots.txt to control web crawler access & see an example of how to block certain pages.
Learn how to configure a robots.txt file, including an example, to control search engine indexing and crawling on your website.
Learn how to block search engines from indexing your website using robots.txt with an example.
Learn how to use the Robots.txt clean param to optimize your website's SEO with an example.
Learn how to use robots.txt to control how search engines crawl and index your website, plus get an example for your own site.
This article explores how to migrate a Laravel website to a new hosting platform, with a step-by-step example.
How to restore a 404 page in Laravel: a step-by-step guide with an example.
Learn how to create a password reset system in PHP, with an example to help you get started.
Find out how easy and simply localize your site on PHP using the SetLocale () function and local files.
Learn how to use PHP caching to optimize your website performance with an easy-to-follow example.