How to make a secure https protocol on WordPress website

Learn how to secure your WordPress site with HTTPS - step by step guide to setting up an SSL certificate and enabling HTTPS protocol.

Secure Your WordPress Website with HTTPS

With the prevalence of online information and commerce, website security is more important than ever. HTTPS protocol is one of the best ways to secure your WordPress website. It ensures that private data (such as payment information) is securely transmitted between the user’s browser and the website’s server. In addition, HTTPS protocol provides an extra layer of trust and credibility to your website’s visitors.

Setting up HTTPS on your WordPress website is relatively simple. Here’s an overview of the steps you’ll need to take:

1. Get an SSL Certificate

The first step is to obtain an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. This is a digital certificate that verifies your website’s identity and encrypts data sent between the user’s browser and your website’s server. You can purchase an SSL certificate from a third-party provider or from your hosting provider. Once you have an SSL certificate, you’ll need to install it on your website.

2. Install the SSL Certificate on Your Website

Now you’re ready to install the SSL certificate on your website. This process varies depending on your web hosting provider, but typically involves uploading the certificate files to your web server and then configuring your server to use the certificate. In some cases, your hosting provider may be able to install the certificate for you. Once the certificate is installed, you’ll need to configure your website to use the SSL protocol.

3. Configure Your Website to Use HTTPS

The final step is to configure your website to use HTTPS. The easiest way to do this is to use the Really Simple SSL plugin. This plugin will automatically detect and configure your website to use HTTPS. You can also configure your website to use HTTPS manually by editing your site’s .htaccess file. You’ll need to add the following code:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Once you’ve added this code, your website will automatically redirect all requests to the HTTPS version of your website.

Using HTTPS protocol is an essential step in securing your WordPress website. It ensures that private data is securely transmitted between the user’s browser and your website’s server. It also provides an extra layer of trust and credibility to your website’s visitors. Setting up HTTPS on your WordPress website is relatively simple and can be done in just a few steps.

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