Code examples for the Seo tag - developer knowledge base - page 2 (33)

Learn how to use Robots.txt to control how search engines access and index your website. Includes example of a Robots.txt file.
Robots.txt is a file used to control which parts of a website search engine bots can access. Learn how to use it with an example.
"Learn how to use Crawl Delay to manage web crawler traffic & see an example of how it works in robots.txt."
Learn how to configure a robots.txt file, including an example, to control search engine indexing and crawling on your website.
A guide to robots.txt: what it is and how it works, with an example of how to use it to control website indexing.
Learn how to use the Robots.txt clean param to optimize your website's SEO with an example.
Learn how to optimize your website with a robots.txt file. Step-by-step guide with an example to help you get started.
Robots.txt for Bitrix: Learn how to use and optimize this important file to help search engines crawl your site correctly, with an example.
Learn how to block unwanted bots from your website with Robots.txt Disallow All. Example: Disallow: /wp-admin/*
Create a reverse loop in Python with an example. A step-by-step guide to looping through a list in reverse order.
"Reverse the order of a list in Python using slicing, reversed() or [::-1] with an example."
Learn how to create SEO-friendly URLs with PHP, including an example of how to create and modify URLs.
Learn how to use PHP rating system to rate items, with an example of rating books.
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