Robots Txt for Bitrix

Robots.txt for Bitrix: Learn how to use and optimize this important file to help search engines crawl your site correctly, with an example.

Robots.txt for Bitrix

The robots.txt file is a text file located at the root of the website that specifies which webpages should or should not be indexed by search engine crawlers. It is one of the most important tools for controlling how search engines access and index a website.

The robots.txt file for Bitrix is a basic file that defines the rules for search engine crawlers. It is important to use the correct syntax in this file, as search engines may ignore or misinterpret the rules if they are not properly formatted. The following is an example of a robots.txt file for Bitrix:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /bitrix/

#Bitrix specific
Disallow: /bitrix/*.php
Disallow: /bitrix/*/*.php
Disallow: /bitrix/*/*/*.php
Disallow: /bitrix/admin/
Disallow: /bitrix/tools/
Disallow: /bitrix/panel/

#Allow indexing of all other files
Allow: /

The above robots.txt file will allow search engine crawlers to index all files on the site, except those in the /bitrix/ directory and its subdirectories. This will prevent search engine crawlers from indexing files that are not intended to be seen by the public, such as those in the /bitrix/admin/ and /bitrix/tools/ directories. It will also prevent search engines from indexing unnecessary files, such as .php files.

It is important to note that the robots.txt file for Bitrix should be updated regularly, as the rules may change over time. Webmasters should also keep in mind that search engines may not always follow the rules specified in the robots.txt file, so it is important to test the file to ensure that it is working properly.

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