Code examples for the It tag - developer knowledge base - page 2 (191)

Rename files quickly & easily in Sublime Text with this simple tutorial: step-by-step guide with an example.
Eliminate clutter & tidy up code with Sublime Text's Empty Line Removal feature. Example: Delete 6 lines with one shortcut!
"Learn how to quickly move lines of text around in Sublime Text 3 with this easy guide and example."
Learn how to easily remove plugins in Sublime Text with a quick example.
Sublime Text is a powerful, feature-packed text editor that makes coding easy and efficient. Learn how to get the most out of it with this guide.
Discover how to instantly change text color in Sublime Text with simple steps and an example.
Learn how to find and replace text quickly and easily in Sublime Text with an example.
"Learn how to use Sublime Text to comment on selected text with this easy to follow example."
"Discover the best Sublime Text 3 plugins for improved productivity, such as SublimeGit for easy repository access & SublimeLinter for code linting."
Discover how to use Color Highlighter to add syntax highlighting to text in Sublime Text 3 - like highlighting a variable name in blue.
Sublime Text: How to restore the menu bar. Learn how to quickly and easily get your menu back with just a few clicks.
Learn how Sublime Text supports a wide range of languages, from HTML to Python, to make coding easier.
Unlock the power of Sublime Text with this guide to using its unregistered version, including an example.
Unlock the full potential of Sublime Text 3 with unexpected characters: type faster and more efficiently using key bindings, snippets, and macros!
"Sublime Text: Dive into the pros and cons of this popular text editor and find out if it's right for you!"
This article covers how to compare two files using Sublime Text, with a step-by-step example.
Sublime Text - powerful text editor with syntax highlighting & example code to get you started quickly.
Learn how to use Sublime Text 3's hotkeys & maximize your coding efficiency with an example of how to quickly navigate to a line of code.
Sublime Text 3's color schemes make your code stand out! See an example of a beautiful color scheme in action.
Learn how to change language in Sublime Text with a step-by-step guide, plus example of switching from English to French.