Code examples for the Code tag - developer knowledge base - page 3 (105)

"Learn how to use Sublime Text to comment on selected text with this easy to follow example."
"Discover the best Sublime Text 3 plugins for improved productivity, such as SublimeGit for easy repository access & SublimeLinter for code linting."
Learn how to save code in Sublime Text with an example: find the “File” menu, click “Save”, and enter a file name.
Discover how to use Color Highlighter to add syntax highlighting to text in Sublime Text 3 - like highlighting a variable name in blue.
Sublime Text: How to restore the menu bar. Learn how to quickly and easily get your menu back with just a few clicks.
Learn how Sublime Text supports a wide range of languages, from HTML to Python, to make coding easier.
Sublime Text - powerful text editor with syntax highlighting & example code to get you started quickly.
Compare the pros & cons of Sublime Text & Visual Studio Code, two of the most popular code editors. See which is best for your needs!
Learn how to easily insert WordPress shortcode into PHP with an example.
Make your Laravel facade shine with an example: learn how to create custom facades to access your application's services.
Learn how to install Laravel scripts with a step-by-step example.
Debug Laravel apps: learn how to use the integrated logging, debugging, and profiling tools with a practical example.
Learn how to use if statements in Python with an example: create a program to decide if a number is odd or even.
Learn how to save data to a file using Python with an easy-to-follow example.
Make a Python loader with an example: discover how to create, customize, and use a loader for efficient data loading in Python.
Make a clickable link in Python with an example: learn how to use HTML, string formatting & URL libraries to create a functional link.
Python Tiemers: an example to add delay to code execution.
Create a Python server with an example: learn how to set up a server and serve requests with Python.
Learn how to create indentation in Python with an example! See how to use whitespace to make your code easier to read.
Learn how to comment code in Python and create easy-to-read, organized code with an example. #comment #python #example