How to make lines transfer to JavaScript

Learn how to add line breaks to your JavaScript text with this easy example!

Transferring Lines to JavaScript

Transferring lines of code from one language to JavaScript is an important skill for developers to have. It is important to understand the basic structure and syntax of JavaScript in order to effectively transfer lines of code. In this example, we will look at how to transfer a simple “Hello World” program from C++ to JavaScript.

In C++, the "Hello World" program looks like this:


int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

To transfer this program to JavaScript, we need to understand the differences between the two languages. First, JavaScript does not have a main function, so we will need to remove that line. Next, JavaScript does not have the standard input/output library (stdio), so we will need to use the JavaScript console instead. Finally, JavaScript does not have the same syntax for printing, so we will need to use the JavaScript “console.log” command instead of “std::cout”. With these changes, the “Hello World” program in JavaScript looks like this:

console.log("Hello World!");

By understanding the differences between C++ and JavaScript, we were able to successfully transfer the “Hello World” program from C++ to JavaScript. Transfering lines of code from one language to another is an important skill for developers to have, and it is important to understand the basic structure and syntax of the languages in order to effectively transfer lines of code.

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