Ruby On Rails XML

Explore the power of Ruby on Rails XML with an example, from parsing to building an API.

Working with XML in Ruby on Rails

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a popular markup language used to store and exchange data. It is widely used in Ruby on Rails applications. XML is used to store and exchange data in a structured way, allowing developers to easily access and manipulate the data.

Ruby on Rails is commonly used for building web applications and it supports XML in several ways. It can be used as an input source for data, as an output format for data, and also as a way to store data. In this article, we will look at how to work with XML in Ruby on Rails.

Using XML as an Input Source

If your application needs to read data from an XML file, you can use the Ruby on Rails XML parser. The XML parser is a part of the standard Ruby library and it can be used to read XML data from a file or a string. To read XML data from a file, you can use the following code:

require 'xmlsimple'

# Read the XML file
xml_data = XmlSimple.xml_in('data.xml')

# Access the data
data = xml_data['data']

With the above code, you can read the contents of an XML file named 'data.xml' and store it in the 'xml_data' variable. You can then access the data by using the 'data' key of the 'xml_data' variable.

Using XML as an Output Format

If your application needs to output data in the XML format, you can use the Ruby on Rails XML builder. The XML builder is a part of the standard Ruby library and it can be used to generate XML data from a Ruby object. To generate XML data from a Ruby object, you can use the following code:

require 'builder'

# Create a new XML builder
builder =

# Generate the XML do |b| 'John'
  b.age '25'

# Output the XML

With the above code, you can generate an XML string from a Ruby object and store it in the 'builder' variable. You can then output the XML string by using the 'target!' method of the 'builder' variable.

Using XML to Store Data

If your application needs to store data in an XML format, you can use the Ruby on Rails XML serializer. The XML serializer is a Ruby class that can be used to serialize Ruby objects into XML. To serialize a Ruby object into XML, you can use the following code:

require 'active_support/core_ext/object/to_xml'

# Create a new object
data = { name: 'John', age: 25 }

# Serialize the object
xml_data = data.to_xml

# Output the XML
puts xml_data

With the above code, you can serialize a Ruby object into an XML string and store it in the 'xml_data' variable. You can then output the XML string by using the 'puts' method.

In this article, we looked at how to work with XML in Ruby on Rails. We saw how to use the XML parser to read XML data, the XML builder to generate XML data, and the XML serializer to serialize Ruby objects into XML.

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