Ruby On Rails Require

Learn how to use Ruby on Rails' 'require' to include code from other files & get a quick example.

Ruby On Rails Require

The require method is a fundamental part of Ruby on Rails. It allows you to include other files in your code, such as libraries, models, controllers, and even other modules. The require method is used to ensure that certain parts of your code are only loaded once. It is also used to separate code into different files, making it easier to find and debug.

When using the require method, you list the files you want to include on the same line. For example, if you wanted to include the users_controller and the posts_controller, your line of code would look like this:

require 'users_controller'
require 'posts_controller'

The require method will look for the files specified in the lib directory of your application. If the file is not found, it will search the default Ruby library. If it is still not found, the require method will throw an error.

It is also possible to use the require_relative method to include files that are in the same directory as the current file. This method allows you to easily include files that are related to the current file. For example, if you wanted to include the users_controller and the posts_controller in the same directory, your line of code would look like this:

require_relative 'users_controller'
require_relative 'posts_controller'

The require and require_relative methods are essential when working with Ruby on Rails. They allow you to separate your code into different files and ensure that certain parts of your code are only loaded once. This helps to make your code more organized and easier to debug.

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