Launch Ruby on Rails

Run Ruby on Rails with an example: learn to create a web application from scratch in no time.

Introduction to Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework that provides developers with a full development stack for creating dynamic, database-backed web applications. It is designed to be fast and efficient, and to allow developers to quickly create robust and powerful web applications. Rails is written in Ruby, a dynamic, object-oriented programming language that can be used to create highly interactive applications. It is a popular choice for web development because of its powerful features, easy to learn syntax, and scalability.

Ruby on Rails consists of several components: Action Pack, Active Record, Active Support, Action View, Action Mailer, and Active Resource. These components are responsible for handling different aspects of web application development, from database management to view rendering. Ruby on Rails also contains several libraries, such as the Active Record pattern, which allows developers to easily interact with a relational database.

In this tutorial, we will look at how to get started with developing applications using Ruby on Rails. We will cover the basics of setting up a Rails project, creating a database, and creating a basic application. Finally, we will look at how to deploy a Rails application to a production server.

Setting Up a Rails Project

The first step to developing a Rails application is to create a new project. This is done using the rails new command. For example, to create a new project called myapp, you would run the following command:

rails new myapp

This command will create a new directory called myapp, which contains the skeleton of a Rails application. The directory structure looks like this:


The app directory contains the core of a Rails application. This is where you will put your controllers, models, views, and other code for your application. The bin directory contains the executable scripts for running your application. The config directory contains configuration files for your application. The db directory contains the database schema and migrations. The lib directory contains custom code libraries. The log directory contains log files. The public directory contains the web-facing files, such as images, JavaScript, and CSS. The test directory contains unit tests for your application. The tmp directory contains temporary files. The vendor directory contains third-party code.

Now that you have created a new project, you can start adding code to your application. You can use the built-in generators to create controllers, models, and views. For example, to create a new controller called UsersController, you would run the following command:

rails generate controller Users

This command will create a new controller, as well as the associated views, helpers, and tests. You can now start adding code to your controller and views.

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