Features of Ruby On Rails

Learn how to get started with Ruby on Rails, the popular web application framework, and its features with a simple example.

Features of Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a web development framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is a full-stack framework, providing default structures for web applications, as well as providing a solid foundation for developers to build their own custom web applications and websites. RoR is popular among developers due to its extensive library of tools that help to speed up the development process. Some of the features that make Ruby on Rails popular include:

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture

RoR follows the MVC software architecture pattern, which is designed to separate the application's data, user interface, and business logic. This is beneficial for developers, as it allows them to easily maintain the codebase and make changes with minimal effort. The MVC architecture helps keep the codebase organized and easy to understand, and it also helps developers to quickly identify and fix any bugs or issues that may arise.

Convention Over Configuration

Ruby on Rails follows the concept of “convention over configuration”, which means that developers can use the default conventions provided by the framework, rather than having to manually configure every single element of the application. This helps to keep the development process simpler and less time consuming, and is an important part of why RoR is so popular among developers.

Active Record

Active Record is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library that comes with Ruby on Rails. It allows developers to easily interact with the databases and access the data stored in them. It also helps to speed up the development process by simplifying and automating many of the tasks associated with database interactions, such as creating, updating, and deleting records.

Action Pack

Action Pack is a library of classes and methods that allow developers to handle requests and responses from the web server. It also helps to manage the routing of URLs, and provides developers with a set of tools for creating dynamic web pages. Action Pack is an integral part of the RoR framework, and is essential for creating web applications.

Asset Pipeline

The asset pipeline is a feature of RoR that helps to simplify the management of static files, such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files. It compiles and minifies all of the asset files into a single file, which helps to improve the performance of the web application. It also helps to keep the codebase organized, as all of the asset files can be managed in a single place.


Rake is a task automation tool that comes with Ruby on Rails. It allows developers to easily define and manage tasks and automate many of the repetitive tasks associated with web development. This helps to speed up the development process, and also makes it easier to maintain the codebase.


Ruby on Rails comes with a built-in testing framework, which helps developers to easily write and run automated tests. This helps to ensure the quality and reliability of the codebase, and makes it easier to detect and fix bugs before they are released into production.

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