Code examples for the Coding tag - developer knowledge base - page 8 (267)

Learn how to create PHP functions and see a step-by-step example for creating your first one.
Build your own PHP search bot with this step-by-step example! Learn the basics of search engine programming & create a powerful tool for your site.
Create a photo gallery in PHP with a simple example: learn how to upload, display and manage images with PHP.
Learn how to send post requests with PHP, including an example of the code used.
Learn how to create dynamic php pages with an example. See how to use variables and loops to generate content for your page.
Create your own search engine with PHP. Learn how with a step-by-step example.
Learn how to create a php product filter with an example. Create a custom filter to sort, search, and display products.
Learn how to create dynamic routing on PHP with a simple example.
Make PHP code inactive with an example: Learn how to deactivate PHP code quickly & easily with an example.
"Learn how to set your PHP file to UTF-8 encoding with an example of adding this line to the top of a .php file: header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');"
Create a sitemap on PHP with a step-by-step example, covering URL structure, sitemap file, and submission to search engines.
Find out how to make the text clickable using PHP: examples and instructions for implementation.
PHP: How to create an empty string example. Learn how to create an empty string in PHP with a step-by-step guide and example code.
Build a PHP bot with an example: Learn how to create a powerful bot using PHP, including an example step-by-step guide.
Create a PHP code editor with this tutorial: step-by-step guide, examples & more!
PHP: an example of the implementation of an automatic reloading of the page.
Learn how to create a PHP engine with an example - step-by-step instructions and code snippets.
Test your PHP skills with a step-by-step guide on how to create and run a PHP unit test.
"Learn how to create a dynamic menu in PHP with an example to get you started!"
Create fast & accurate search results in PHP with an example - get the code & learn how to build a search engine.