How to make a photo gallery on php

Create a photo gallery in PHP with a simple example: learn how to upload, display and manage images with PHP.

Creating a Photo Gallery with PHP

Creating a photo gallery with PHP is a great way to display your images in an organized and attractive way. Here's a simple example of how to create a photo gallery using PHP.

First, we'll need to create a directory for our images. We can do this by using the mkdir() function in PHP. The code below creates a directory called "gallery" in the same directory as the PHP file.


Now that we've created the directory for our images, we can start adding the images to the gallery. This is done using the copy() function in PHP. This function will copy the images from the current directory to the "gallery" directory. The code below will copy all the images in the current directory to the "gallery" directory.

$files = glob("*.jpg");
foreach($files as $file) {
  copy($file, "gallery/$file");

Now that all the images have been copied to the "gallery" directory, we can start displaying them in our photo gallery. We can do this by using the readdir() function in PHP. This function will read all the images in the "gallery" directory and store them in an array. The code below will read all the images in the "gallery" directory and store them in an array called $images.

$dir = "gallery/";
$images = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('..', '.'));

Now that we have all the images stored in an array, we can start displaying them in our photo gallery. We can do this with a simple loop in PHP. The code below will loop through the array of images and display them in an HTML table.

echo "";
foreach($images as $image) {
  echo "";
echo "

And that's it! We now have a simple photo gallery that displays all the images in the "gallery" directory. With a few more lines of code, we can add additional features such as captions or lightboxes. But this basic example should be enough to get you started.

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