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Robots.txt is a file that tells search engine robots which parts of a website to crawl and index. Example: User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/

Robots.txt Basics

A robots.txt file is a text file that's placed in the root directory of a website. The file provides instructions to web robots (most commonly search engine crawlers) about how to crawl a website's pages.

The robots.txt file is used to give directions to web robots on how they should crawl and index a website. It includes rules that specify which directories, files, and content types should be indexed, and which should not.

For example, a robots.txt file could tell a web robot not to crawl pages with certain keywords or URLs. It could also tell a web robot to crawl only certain parts of a website, such as only the images or only the HTML pages.

A robots.txt file is composed of one or more "User-agent" lines, followed by zero or more "Disallow" lines. Each "User-agent" line indicates which web robots should follow the instructions in the "Disallow" lines.

For example, the following robots.txt file tells all web robots not to crawl any pages on the website:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

The "*" in the "User-agent" line indicates that all web robots should follow the instructions in the "Disallow" line. The "/" in the "Disallow" line indicates that all pages on the website should not be crawled.

The robots.txt file can also be used to allow certain web robots to crawl certain parts of a website. For example, the following robots.txt file tells all web robots to crawl all pages on the website, except for the /admin directory:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/

The robots.txt file can also be used to allow certain web robots to crawl certain types of files, such as images. For example, the following robots.txt file tells all web robots to crawl all pages on the website, except for image files:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /*.jpg$

The "$" at the end of the "Disallow" line indicates that all files ending with ".jpg" should not be crawled.

By using a robots.txt file, website owners can control how web robots crawl and index their websites. It's important to note, however, that web robots are not required to follow the instructions in the robots.txt file.

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