Configure the Robots Txt file

Learn how to optimize your website with a robots.txt file. Step-by-step guide with an example to help you get started.

What is a Robots.txt file?

A robots.txt file is a text file placed in the root directory of a website. It tells web crawlers, such as Googlebot, which pages or files it should and should not access when crawling a website. This is important for a website’s SEO and security, as it can help to prevent sensitive data from being accessed and indexed.

How to Configure a Robots.txt File

To configure a robots.txt file, you will need to create a text file using a text editor. The file should be named “robots.txt” and should be located in the root directory of the website. In the file, you can specify which web crawlers should be allowed to access the website, as well as which files or directories should be excluded.

The robots.txt file is written using a specific syntax. For example, the following code will tell web crawlers to ignore everything on the website:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

The first line, “User-agent”, tells web crawlers which user agents the rule applies to. In this case, the asterisk (*) means that the rule applies to all user agents. The second line, “Disallow”, tells the web crawler which files or directories should be excluded.

You can also specify which files or directories should be allowed. For example, if you want to allow web crawlers to access the “/images” directory, you can use the following code:

User-agent: *
Allow: /images/
Disallow: /

It’s important to note that web crawlers may ignore the robots.txt file if they think it’s necessary. For example, if a web crawler is looking for a specific page on the website, it may ignore the robots.txt file in order to find the page.


Configuring a robots.txt file is an important part of website management. It helps to ensure that web crawlers can only access the parts of the website that you want them to, and can help to protect sensitive data from being indexed. By following the syntax outlined above, you can configure your robots.txt file to meet your website’s needs.

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