How to make Select in php

Learn how to use PHP's SELECT statement with an example: quickly create powerful queries to manipulate data in your database.

Select in PHP

When coding in PHP, the SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from a database. It is one of the most commonly used SQL commands and is used in conjunction with other commands such as UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE. The syntax of the SELECT statement is as follows:
SELECT column_name(s) 
FROM table_name 
WHERE condition;
Where column_name(s) is the list of columns that you want to retrieve data from, and table_name is the name of the table containing the data. The WHERE clause is optional, but it can be used to specify a condition for the query. For example, if you wanted to retrieve the names of all customers from a table named customers, you could use the following query:
SELECT name 
FROM customers;
If you wanted to retrieve the names of all customers from the customers table who live in the United States, you could use the following query:
SELECT name 
FROM customers 
WHERE country = 'USA';
You can also use the SELECT statement to retrieve data from multiple tables. For example, if you wanted to retrieve the names and addresses of all customers from a table named customers and a table named addresses, you could use the following query:
SELECT, addresses.address 
FROM customers 
INNER JOIN addresses 
ON = addresses.customer_id;
The SELECT statement can also be used to retrieve data from a database sorted in a specific order. For example, if you wanted to retrieve the names of all customers from the customers table sorted by their last name in ascending order, you could use the following query:
SELECT name 
FROM customers 
ORDER BY last_name ASC;
The SELECT statement is an extremely powerful and versatile command, and it can be used in many different ways to retrieve data from a database. It is important to remember to always use the correct syntax and to specify the correct conditions when using the SELECT statement, as incorrect syntax or conditions can lead to unexpected results.

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