How to make an object in php

Create objects in PHP with an example: Learn how to use PHP's 'new' keyword to create an object and use its properties & methods.

Creating an object in PHP

An object in PHP is an instance of a class. A class is a structure that contains properties and methods. The properties are variables that contain data, while the methods are functions that perform actions on the data. In order to create an object, you will need to define a class first.

class MyObject {
    // Properties
    public $property1;
    private $property2;
    protected $property3;
    // Methods
    public function method1() {
        // code
    private function method2() {
        // code
    protected function method3() {
        // code

This example class defines three properties and three methods. In order to create an instance of this class, we use the new keyword:

$myObject = new MyObject();

Now $myObject is an instance of the MyObject class. You can access the properties and methods of the class using the -> operator:

// Accessing a property
echo $myObject->property1;
// Accessing a method

You can also pass parameters to methods:

$myObject->method1($param1, $param2);

You can also set the values of properties:

$myObject->property1 = 'some value';

In this way, you can create and manipulate objects in PHP.

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