How to make a PHP database

Learn how to create a php database using an example! Understand the basics of database design & implementation.

Creating a PHP Database

A database is an essential part of any web application. It is used to store and manage data, and provides a way to access and manipulate it. PHP is a popular language for creating web applications, and it has a wide range of tools for managing databases.

In this tutorial, we will explain how to create a database using PHP. We will use the popular MySQL database engine to store our data, and we will use the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension to connect to the database and perform various operations.

Step 1: Setting Up the Database

The first step is to set up the database. We will be using MySQL for this tutorial, so you will need to install it if you don't already have it. Once it is installed, you will need to create a database and a user.

The following code will create a database called “my_database”, and a user with the username “my_user” and password “my_password”:

CREATE DATABASE my_database;
CREATE USER 'my_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password';
GRANT ALL ON my_database.* TO 'my_user'@'localhost';

Step 2: Connecting to the Database

Once the database is set up, we need to connect to it using the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension. This extension provides a consistent interface for accessing databases, so that the code you write is portable and can be used with different database engines.

The following code creates a new PDO instance and connects to the database:

$host = 'localhost';
$dbname = 'my_database';
$user = 'my_user';
$pass = 'my_password';

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass);

Step 3: Creating the Table

Next, we need to create a table in the database to store our data. This table will have three columns: an ID column, a name column, and an email column. The following code will create the table:

  name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  email VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

Step 4: Inserting Data

Now that we have created the table, we can insert some data into it. The following code will insert three rows into the table:

INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES
  ('John Doe', '[email protected]'),
  ('Jane Doe', '[email protected]'),
  ('Bob Smith', '[email protected]');

Step 5: Querying the Database

Now that the data has been inserted, we can query the database to retrieve it. The following code will fetch all the rows from the table:

SELECT * FROM users;

This will return the following result:

id  name       email
1   John Doe   [email protected]
2   Jane Doe   [email protected]
3   Bob Smith  [email protected]

We can also query the database for specific rows. For example, the following code will fetch only the row with the ID of 2:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 2;

This will return the following result:

id  name       email
2   Jane Doe   [email protected]


In this tutorial, we have explained how to create a database using PHP. We have used the popular MySQL database engine and the PDO extension to connect to it. We have also shown how to create a table and insert data into it, and how to query the database to retrieve the data.

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