How to make a copy of the PHP file

"Learn how to make a copy of a php file with this easy-to-follow example."

Making a Copy of PHP File

Making a copy of a PHP file is an important task that requires a few steps to complete. It is important to have a second version of a file if you ever need to revert back to a previous version, or if you need to make changes and want to keep the original version intact. Here is how to make a copy of a PHP file:

Step 1: Locate the File

The first step is to locate the file you want to make a copy of. If you know the exact path for the file, you can go directly to that location. If not, you can search for the file using the file manager. Once you have located the file, right-click on it and select "Copy".

Step 2: Create the New File

Now that you have copied the file, you need to create a new version of the file. To do this, right-click in the same folder and select "Paste". A new file should be created that has the same name as the original, but with a number at the end. For example, if the original file was named "myfile.php," the new file should be named "myfile (1).php".

Step 3: Rename the File

Now that you have created a copy of the file, you need to rename it so you can easily identify it. To do this, right-click on the file and select "Rename". Enter a name that is easy to remember and make sure it ends with the ".php" extension. For example, if you are making a copy of a file named "myfile.php," you can name the new file "myfile_copy.php".

Step 4: Edit the File

The last step is to edit the file. To do this, open the file in a text editor or an IDE. Make any changes you need to the file and save it. Once you have saved the file, you can upload it to the server if necessary.


Making a copy of a PHP file is an important task that requires a few steps to complete. First, you need to locate the file and copy it. Then, you need to create a new version of the file and rename it. Finally, you need to edit the file and save it. Following these steps will ensure that you have a second version of the file you can use if necessary.

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