PHP how to make a global variable

PHP: How to create a global variable with an example: Use $ globals ['name_persium'] to determine the global variable.

Using Global Variables in PHP

A global variable in PHP is a variable that can be accessed from anywhere in the program. Generally, global variables are declared outside of a function, but can also be declared within a function. Global variables can be used to store data that can be accessed by functions within the same script, or even across multiple scripts.

To create a global variable in PHP, you can use the global keyword. The following example shows how to create a global variable called $greeting:

$greeting = "Hello world";

function test_global_var(){
 global $greeting;
 echo $greeting;

test_global_var(); // prints "Hello world" 

Notice that the global keyword is used to access the global variable $greeting within the function test_global_var(). Without it, the function would not be able to access the variable.

It is also possible to create global variables within a function by using the global keyword. The following example shows how to create a global variable called $message within a function:

function test_global_var(){
 global $message;
 $message = "Hello world";

echo $message; // prints "Hello world" 

In the example above, the global keyword is used to create the global variable $message within the function test_global_var(). The variable is then accessible outside the function.

It's important to note that global variables should be used sparingly, as they can cause unexpected results and can make code difficult to debug. In general, it's best to use local variables whenever possible.

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