How to make a localization of the PHP site

Find out how easy and simply localize your site on PHP using the SetLocale () function and local files.

Localizing a PHP Site

Localizing a PHP site involves translating the text of the website into another language. This can be done manually by the website developer or automatically using a localization tool. In this article, we'll look at how to localize a PHP site manually.

Step 1: Prepare the Source Text

The first step in localizing a PHP site is to prepare the source text for translation. This involves going through all of the content on the website, such as text, images, and videos, and making sure all of the text is in a standardized format. This can include using consistent spelling, punctuation, and capitalization; using a consistent language for all text; and using a consistent text encoding.

Step 2: Translate the Text

Once the text is prepared, it's time to start translating. This can be done either manually or with an automated translation tool. If you choose to translate manually, it's important to use a professional translator with experience in the language you're translating to. This will ensure the best possible translation and help avoid any misunderstandings.

Step 3: Integrate the Translated Text Into Your PHP Site

Once you have the translated text, you'll need to integrate it into your PHP site. This can be done by replacing the original text in your PHP files with the translated text, or by creating a language file that contains the translated text and loading it whenever a user selects a different language. For example, if you wanted to create a language file for Spanish, you could create a spanish.php file and include it in your PHP files using the following code:

if ($_SESSION['language'] == 'spanish') {

This would load the spanish.php file whenever a user selects Spanish as their language. You can also use the same technique to create language files for other languages.

Step 4: Test the Localized Site

Once you've integrated the translated text into your PHP site, you'll need to test it to make sure everything works as expected. This includes testing the translation itself, as well as the functionality of the site in the target language. If any issues are found, they should be fixed before the site is released.


Localizing a PHP site is an important step in making your site available to users in different languages. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily localize your PHP site and make it available to users in other languages.

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