How to make a PHP MySQL basket

Learn how to create a secure, dynamic PHP/MySQL shopping cart with a step-by-step example.

Creating a PHP MySQL Basket

Creating a shopping basket using PHP and MySQL is a great way to build a website or web application that allows users to purchase products or services. It is also a great way to learn the fundamentals of server-side programming and database interaction.

The basic idea behind building a PHP/MySQL basket is to use a database table to store the items in a user’s basket. This table should contain a unique identifier for each item, the item’s description, the quantity of the item, and the price. This table will be used to keep track of the items the user has placed in their basket.

The first step in creating a PHP/MySQL basket is to create the database table that will store the items. This can be done with a SQL query such as the following:

    item VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    quantity INT NOT NULL,
    price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL

This query will create a table called “basket” with four columns: the unique identifier, the item description, the quantity of the item, and the price. This table will be used to store the items that the user has placed in their basket.

Once the database table is created, the next step is to create the PHP script that will handle adding items to the basket. This script should accept the item description, quantity, and price from the user, and then add the item to the database table. This can be done with a SQL query such as the following:

$item = $_POST['item'];
$quantity = $_POST['quantity'];
$price = $_POST['price'];

$sql = "INSERT INTO basket (item, quantity, price) 
        VALUES ('$item', '$quantity', '$price')";

if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
    echo "Item added to basket successfully";
} else {
    echo "Error: " . $sql . "
" . $conn->error; }

This script will take the item description, quantity, and price from the user and insert them into the database table. Once the item is successfully inserted, the script will display a message confirming that the item was added to the basket.

The final step in creating a PHP/MySQL basket is to create the code that will display the items in the basket. This can be done with a SQL query such as the following:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM basket";
$result = $conn->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        echo "Item: " . $row['item'] . " - Quantity: " . $row['quantity'] . " - Price: " . $row['price'] . "
"; } } else { echo "No items in basket"; }

This script will retrieve all of the items from the database table and display them on the page. This will allow the user to see all of the items they have placed in their basket.

By following these steps, you can easily create a PHP/MySQL basket that allows users to purchase products or services. This is a great way to learn the fundamentals of server-side programming and database interaction.

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