How to make pHP parsing

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PHP Parsing

PHP parsing is the process of analyzing and breaking down a PHP script into its individual components in order to understand its structure and meaning. In other words, it is the process of transforming a PHP script into a set of instructions that the computer can understand and execute. Parsing is an important part of PHP development, as it is used to make sure that the code is valid and can be executed without errors.

In order to parse a PHP script, the parser must first identify the individual tokens that make up the script. Tokens are the individual pieces of code, such as variables, functions, and operators, that are used to create PHP programs. Once the tokens have been identified, the parser will analyze the syntax of the script, making sure that all of the tokens are correctly placed and used. This process is known as syntax analysis.

Once the syntax has been analyzed, the parser will then start to create an abstract syntax tree (AST) for the script. An AST is a tree-like data structure that is used to represent the structure of the script. The AST is used to determine the order in which the instructions should be executed. This process is known as code generation.

Finally, the parser will execute the code by running it through an interpreter or a compiler. An interpreter is a program that will execute the code line-by-line, while a compiler will compile the code into an executable file which can then be run on a computer. This process is known as code execution.

In order to demonstrate how PHP parsing works, consider the following example code:

$a = 10;
$b = 20;
$c = $a + $b;
echo $c;

The first step of the parser is to identify the tokens in the code. In this example, the tokens are the variables $a, $b and $c, the operator “+”, the keyword “echo” and the literal value “20”.

The next step is to analyze the syntax of the code. The parser will check to make sure that all of the tokens are in the correct order, that all of the variables are declared, and that all of the operators are valid. If any of these checks fails, the parser will throw an error.

Once the syntax has been analyzed, the parser will then create an AST for the code. In this example, the AST would look like this:

// AST for example code

$a = 10;
$b = 20;
$c = $a + $b;
echo $c;

// AST

ASTNode {
  type: "program"
  body: [
    ASTNode {
      type: "assignment"
      left: ASTNode {
        type: "variable"
        name: "a"
      right: ASTNode {
        type: "literal"
        value: 10
    ASTNode {
      type: "assignment"
      left: ASTNode {
        type: "variable"
        name: "b"
      right: ASTNode {
        type: "literal"
        value: 20
    ASTNode {
      type: "assignment"
      left: ASTNode {
        type: "variable"
        name: "c"
      right: ASTNode {
        type: "binary"
        operator: "+"
        left: ASTNode {
          type: "variable"
          name: "a"
        right: ASTNode {
          type: "variable"
          name: "b"
    ASTNode {
      type: "print"
      expression: ASTNode {
        type: "variable"
        name: "c"

Finally, the parser will execute the code by running it through an interpreter or a compiler. In this example, the interpreter would simply execute the code line-by-line, printing out the result of the expression “$a + $b”, which is “30”.

In conclusion, PHP parsing is the process of analyzing and breaking down a PHP script into its individual components in order to understand its structure and meaning. The parser will identify the tokens, analyze the syntax, create an abstract syntax tree, and execute the code. Understanding how the PHP parser works is essential for developing robust and reliable PHP applications.

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