How to make a PHP class

Learn how to create a basic PHP class with an example. Get started in coding today!

Creating a PHP Class

A class is a programming construct that is used to group related code together. A simple class can be created in PHP by using the class keyword, followed by a class name. For example:

class MyClass {

The class can then be used by instantiating it, which is done by using the new keyword. For example:

$my_object = new MyClass();

A class can contain code in the form of functions or methods. For example:

class MyClass {
    public function my_function() {
        // Do something

Once the class is instantiated, the method can be called by using the object's variable and the arrow operator (->). For example:


A class can also contain variables or attributes. These can be accessed by using the same object's variable and the arrow operator. For example:

class MyClass {
    public $my_attribute = 'some value';

$my_object = new MyClass();
echo $my_object->my_attribute; // prints 'some value'

A class can also contain constants, which are variables that cannot be changed. For example:

class MyClass {
    const MY_CONSTANT = 'some value';

echo MyClass::MY_CONSTANT; // prints 'some value'

A class can also be extended, which means that it can inherit methods and attributes from another class. For example:

class BaseClass {
    public function my_function() {
        // Do something

class MyClass extends BaseClass {

$my_object = new MyClass();
$my_object->my_function(); // calls my_function from the BaseClass

These are the basics of creating a class in PHP. With a few simple steps, it's possible to create powerful and reusable code.

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