PHP how to make a forwarding

PHP redirects help you quickly and easily move visitors to different pages. Learn how to use the header() function with an example.

PHP Forwarding

A PHP forwarding is a way to redirect a user from one page to another. It can be used to send users to the correct page after they have logged in, to redirect users to a new page after they have completed a form, or simply to send users to a different web page. It is possible to do this with a simple line of code.

To create a PHP forwarding, the code should look like this:


In this example, the user will be directed to the page Other pages can be used as a destination as well, such as, or even a specific page on another domain, such as

It is also possible to add additional parameters to the header, such as a status code and a boolean value. The code might look like this:

header("Location:", true, 301);

The true parameter is used to indicate that the page should be redirected permanently. The 301 status code is used to indicate that the page has moved permanently. This is useful for SEO purposes, as it will tell search engines that the page has moved and that they should update their records.

It is also possible to pass additional parameters in the URL, such as a query string. This can be done by adding the parameters after the URL, like so:


This code will redirect the user to the page¶m2=value2. This can be useful for passing additional information to the destination page, such as user preferences or form data.

PHP forwarding can be a useful way to redirect users to the correct page, or to pass additional information to the destination page. It is a simple process that can be accomplished with a single line of code.

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