How to make a choice JavaScript

Learn how to make a Javascript selection with an example: see how to use functions and variables to select from multiple options.

Making a Choice in JavaScript

Making a choice in JavaScript is a common task that needs to be done in web development. It's a straightforward process and requires two basic steps.

The first step is to define the choices. This can be done with a simple array of strings or numbers, like so:

var choices = ["choice1", "choice2", "choice3"];

The second step is to write a function that takes in a choice and returns a result. This can be done with a switch statement, like so:

function makeChoice(choice) {
    switch(choice) {
        case "choice1":
            return "You chose Choice 1!";
        case "choice2":
            return "You chose Choice 2!";
        case "choice3":
            return "You chose Choice 3!";
            return "Invalid choice!";

Now that we have our choices defined and our function to process them, we can make a choice. We could do this with a simple if statement, like so:

var choice = "choice1";

if (choices.indexOf(choice) > -1) {
    var result = makeChoice(choice);
    console.log(result); // You chose Choice 1!

Or we could do it with a prompt, like so:

var choice = prompt("Please enter your choice");

if (choices.indexOf(choice) > -1) {
    var result = makeChoice(choice);
    console.log(result); // You chose Choice 1!

In this way, we can easily make a choice in JavaScript and process the result with a simple function.

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