Code examples for the разработка tag - developer knowledge base ()

Learn how to create a border in HTML with an easy-to-follow example.
Create an HTML menu with a simple example: Learn how to use <ul> and <li> tags to create an interactive menu.
Create a Telegram bot with Python: learn how to use the Telegram API to build a custom bot with automated responses, access user data, and more.
Make an indention in CSS w/example: Create an indention in your HTML elements using margin & padding properties in CSS. E.g. margin: 0 auto;
"Learn how to flash a message in Laravel with an easy example: create a view and use the session helper to display a message."
Move your Laravel project step-by-step with an example.
"Learn how to quickly and easily determine the version of Laravel you're using with a simple example."
Learn how Laravel works with an example of creating a simple blog app to get started.
"Launch your next project with ease using Laravel: a step-by-step guide with an example project."
Build a Telegram translation bot in Python with an example. Learn how to quickly create a translation bot that can respond to user requests.
Learn how to create a password generator in Python with an example, plus tips for secure passwords.
"Learn how to create a news system in PHP with an example code, to help you get started on your website!"
Build your own PHP engine with this step-by-step guide, complete with an example.
Build a PowerFul VK BOT IN PHP with An Easy-to-Follow Example. Learn How to Create Interactive Functions, API Integrations, and More!
Learn how to make a page refresh in PHP with a simple example.
"Learn how to create pagination on PHP with a simple example and code snippets!"
Learn how to create a custom PHP filter with an example to help you get started.
Learn how to create a PHP variable and store data with this easy example.
Design your own customizable calendar in PHP with this simple example.
Create a personal cabinet in PHP with this example: learn how to design & implement a secure, user-friendly interface.