Sublime Text do not work tags

Sublime Text is a powerful, feature-packed text editor that makes coding easy and efficient. Learn how to get the most out of it with this guide.

What are HTML Tags?

HTML tags are the instructions that are used to format the content in webpages. They provide instructions for the web browser on how to display the content of a webpage. HTML tags must be contained within angle brackets (< and >).

Sublime Text does not support tags directly, so you will need to write HTML code manually. However, Sublime Text does provide some features that make writing HTML tags easier.

Syntax highlighting is a feature that Sublime Text provides that helps you to identify HTML tags. When you open an HTML file in Sublime Text, the HTML tags will be highlighted in different colors to make them easier to identify. This feature helps to make sure that the HTML tags are properly written and that they are correctly nested.

Sublime Text also provides autocompletion for HTML tags. This means that when you type in an HTML tag such as <div>, it will suggest the closing tag </div>. This makes it easier to write HTML tags and helps to reduce errors.

Additionally, Sublime Text has a feature called Emmet that can be used to quickly write HTML tags. Emmet provides a shorthand syntax for writing HTML tags. For example, typing div>p and pressing Tab will generate the HTML tags <div><p></p></div>. This can be a very useful feature for quickly writing HTML tags.

Sublime Text also provides a feature called snippets that can be used to quickly insert HTML tags. Snippets are pieces of code that are stored in the editor and can be inserted with a few keystrokes. For example, typing img and pressing Tab will insert the following HTML code:

<img src="" alt="">

Using snippets can help to quickly insert HTML tags and reduce the amount of time it takes to write HTML code.

Sublime Text does not have any features that directly support HTML tags but it does provide features that can make it easier to write HTML code. Syntax highlighting, autocompletion, Emmet and snippets can all be used to help make writing HTML tags easier.

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