How to see the statistics of the bot in Telegram

Learn how to check your Telegram bot's performance stats with this easy guide. See how user actions impact your bot's success.

Viewing Telegram Bot Statistics

It is possible to view statistics for Telegram bots. This can be done using the Telegram Bot API. In order to view statistics for a particular bot, one needs to make a getUpdates request to the Telegram Bot API.

The Telegram Bot API provides a method to get the number of updates (messages, commands, etc.) that the bot has received from its users. This is done with the getUpdates method. This method takes two parameters: a offset and a limit. The offset parameter is used to specify the number of updates to skip, while the limit parameter is used to specify the maximum number of updates to return.


The response to this request will be a JSON-formatted list of updates (messages, commands, etc.) that the bot has received. From this list, it is possible to count the number of updates that the bot has received, which can be used to calculate statistics.

For example, the following code snippet can be used to count the number of updates that a bot has received:

// Get the list of updates
let updates = await getUpdates(offset, limit);

// Count the number of updates
let count = updates.length;

// Print the number of updates
console.log(`Number of updates: ${count}`);

In addition to getting the number of updates, it is also possible to get additional information about each update, such as the message text and the user ID. This can be used to calculate statistics such as the most common messages or the most active users.

By using the Telegram Bot API, it is possible to view various statistics about a Telegram bot, such as the number of updates it has received, the most common messages, and the most active users.

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