How to change the background in Sublime Text

Learn how to customize the look of Sublime Text with a few clicks: change background color, add themes, and more!

Steps to Change the Background in Sublime Text

Changing the background in Sublime Text is an easy way to customize your text editor. Here are the steps to follow to change the background in Sublime Text:

Step 1: Open the Sublime Text application.

Step 2: Go to “View” in the menu bar, and select “Color Scheme”.

Step 3: You will see a list of available color schemes. Select the one you want to use to change the background in Sublime Text.

Step 4: To apply the new color scheme, select “Set Color Scheme” from the menu.

Step 5: You can also customize the color scheme by selecting “Customize Color Scheme” from the menu.

Step 6: To save the changes, select “Save Color Scheme” from the menu.

Once you have followed these steps, you will be able to customize the background in Sublime Text to your own liking.

In addition to changing the background, Sublime Text also allows you to customize the font, font size, line spacing, and tab size. To access these options, go to “Preferences” in the menu bar and select “Settings - Default”.

// You can customize the font, font size, line spacing, and tab size in the "Settings - Default"

// Go to "Preferences" in the menu bar

// Select "Settings - Default"

By following these steps, you will be able to customize the background in Sublime Text to your own liking.

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