How to completely remove the bot from Telegram

Eliminate Telegram bots completely by revoking their API access and deleting the related files. Follow this example to get started.

Uninstalling a Telegram Bot

If you have a Telegram bot running in your account and would like to remove it, here is how to do it:

First, you will need to find the bot’s username. To do this, open your Telegram app and type the username into the search bar. The bot's profile page should appear, with its username displayed on the top.

Once you have the username, open a chat window with the bot. To do this, type the username into the search bar again and select the bot from the list of contacts.

In the chat window, type the command /start and then the command /removebot. You should see a confirmation message from the bot, confirming that the bot has been removed from your account.

You can also remove the bot from your account by going to the Settings menu in the Telegram app and selecting the Bot Settings option. From there, you can select the bot you want to remove and click on the Remove button.

Once the bot is removed from your account, you should no longer receive messages from it. If you ever need to reinstall the bot, you can search for it by its username and add it back to your contacts list.

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