How to limit access to Telegram bot

How to restrict access to a Telegram bot using an example from a popular bot: step-by-step guide.

Limiting Access to Telegram Bot with IP Whitelisting

One of the ways to limit access to the Telegram Bot is through IP whitelisting. IP whitelisting restricts usage of the bot by only allowing connections from IP addresses that have been previously whitelisted. This way, only authorized users can access the bot and its features.

To whitelist a given IP address, you can use the following code snippet written in Javascript:

// Whitelist IP address
var whitelistedIP = "";

// Check if an IP address is whitelisted
if (whitelistedIP == req.ip) {
    // Access granted
else {
    // Access denied

In the code snippet above, the IP address being whitelisted is “”. You can also use an array to store multiple IP addresses. In this case, the code looks like this:

// Whitelist IP addresses
var whitelistedIPs = ["", "", ""];

// Check if an IP address is whitelisted
if (whitelistedIPs.includes(req.ip)) {
    // Access granted
else {
    // Access denied

In the code snippet above, three IP addresses are stored in an array and then checked for inclusion. If the current IP address is found in the array, then access is granted. Otherwise, access is denied.

IP whitelisting can be a useful tool for limiting access to your Telegram Bot. By only allowing access from IP addresses that have been previously whitelisted, you can ensure that only authorized users are able to use the bot and its features.

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