Code examples for the Ip tag - developer knowledge base - page 3 (255)

This article explains how to use the "\n" escape character to create a new line in Python print statements, with an example.
"Learn to make your Python script run continuously with an example!"
"Split strings in Python using multiple separators with an example: s.split(';|,') --> ['a','b','c','d']. Learn more!"
Learn to shuffle the elements of a two -dimensional array into one -dimensional using the Flatten method from the Numpy: arr = np.array ([1,2], [3.4]]); Arr.Flatten () → Array ([1, 2, 3, 4]).
Learn how to convert any string to lowercase in Python with an easy-to-follow example.
Python: How to convert column to row using an example. Learn to manipulate data with a few simple lines of code.
Upgrade pip in Python with an example: Learn how to easily upgrade pip in Python to the latest version, with a step-by-step guide.
Learn how to create multi-line comments in Python with an example. @PythonTips #Python #Programming #Commenting
Learn how to use Python's if statements with an easy to follow example!
Python Tiemers: an example to add delay to code execution.
Learn how to capitalize letters in Python with a simple example: convert a string to uppercase using str.upper().
Learn how to make a Python function global with an example, so you can use it anywhere in your program.
Learn how to make a multiplication table in Python, with an easy-to-follow example.
Learn how to create a Python module with an example & step-by-step instructions.
Learn how to create an AI using Python. Follow a step-by-step example to build a basic AI that can make decisions.
Learn how to use slicing to extract a substring from a string in Python with an example.
Transform a list of numbers into a number in Python with a simple example. Learn how to join a list of digits into a single number with a few lines of code.
Learn how to capitalize the first letter of a string in Python with an example.
Learn how to use JavaScript in PHP with an example of a simple form submission task.
Learn how to make breadcrumbs with a simple PHP example that helps you keep track of user navigation.