Code examples for the Array tag - developer knowledge base - page 2 (38)

Create a two-dimensional array in PHP using a simple example to learn the basics of the language.
Learn how to create an associative array in PHP with an example. Detailed instructions and a step-by-step guide for creating an associative array in PHP.
Learn how to turn a string into an array in PHP, with an example and step-by-step instructions.
Learn how to make an empty array in PHP w/ example: create array, assign empty value, then unset values & keys.
Learn how to sort data in php w/ an example: use the array_multisort() function to organize & order your data quickly & easily.
Learn how to create an array in PHP with an example: create, access, add and remove elements from an array.
Learn how to create arrays in PHP with a simple example. Quickly and easily store data in a structured format.
Create PHP array w/example: Learn how to create and manipulate an array in PHP, incl. how to access, add, and remove elements.
This article shows how to convert a number to an array of numbers in JavaScript, using an example.
Flatten multidimensional arrays in JavaScript using Array.reduce & Array.concat for a concise, efficient solution w/ example. §§ COM Flatten multidimensional arrays in JavaScript using Array.reduce & Array.concat for a concise, efficient solution w/ example.
Create an array from JSON in JavaScript: example included! Learn to parse and manipulate JSON data in JS.
We will show how to use the SPLIT () method to convert a line into an array of JavaScript: "Word1, word2, word3". -> ["Word1", "Word2", "Word3"]
"Find out how to use the Object.values ​​() function to convert any object into an array into JavaScript, for example: const arr = object.values ​​({a: 1, b: 2}) // [1.2]"
JSON to JavaScript array: Learn how to turn a JSON object into an array with an example.
Learn how to create a JavaScript array of objects with an example, from constructing the array to manipulating its elements.
Find out how to create an array of arrays in JavaScript with an example: const arr = [1,2], [3.4]].
Find out how to create an array in JavaScript with an example and use it in your code.
Learn how to create an array in Javascript with an example. See how to use the array constructor and array literal syntax to create and initialize arrays for your program.
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