How to make a spam bot in the Python discord

Learn how to create a Discord spam bot in Python with an example to get you started!

Creating a Discord Spam Bot in Python

Creating a spam bot in Python for Discord is relatively simple and requires basic knowledge of the Python 3 programming language. Although spam bots can be used maliciously, they can also be used as a fun way to connect with friends and play games. Here are the steps to create a Discord spam bot in Python:

Step 1: Setting up

Before you can begin writing the Python code for your spam bot, you'll need to set up a working environment. First, make sure you have Python 3 installed on your computer. You can download Python from the official website, Once you've installed Python, create a folder for your project and open your text editor of choice. It's recommended to use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like PyCharm.

Step 2: Installing the Discord API Wrapper

In order to interact with the Discord API, you'll need to install the Discord API Wrapper. This wrapper makes it easy to use the Discord API in Python. To install the Discord API Wrapper, open the command line and run the following command:

pip install

Step 3: Writing the Code

Now that you have the Discord API Wrapper installed, you can begin writing the code for your spam bot. Start with creating a new file called and writing the following code:

import discord

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')

The first line of code imports the Discord API Wrapper so that you can use it in your project. The next line creates a new Discord Client object. This is the main object that will be used for interacting with the Discord API. The next line is an event handler which is triggered when the bot is ready. The last line runs the bot using your Discord token. To get your Discord token, go to the Discord Developer portal and create an application. Once you have created your application, go to the Bot tab and click "Add Bot". This will generate your Discord token which you can use in the code.

Step 4: Adding Commands

Now that the bot is set up, you can start adding commands. For example, you could add a command that sends a message when it's triggered. To do this, add the following code to your file:

async def send_message(ctx, message):
    await ctx.send(message)

This command takes two arguments: the context (ctx) and the message to be sent. The context argument allows the command to access the channel or user that triggered it. The command then uses the ctx.send() method to send the message to the channel or user. You can add more commands in the same way. For example, you could add a command that triggers a game of tic-tac-toe.

Step 5: Testing the Bot

Once you've written your code and added your commands, it's time to test the bot. To do this, you'll need to create a Discord server and add the bot to it. To add the bot to your server, go to the OAuth2 section of the Discord Developer portal and click "Generate OAuth2 URL". This will generate a URL which you can use to add the bot to your server. Once the bot is added to your server, you can test the commands by typing them in the chat. If everything is working as expected, then your bot is ready to be used.


Creating a Discord spam bot in Python is relatively easy and requires basic knowledge of the Python 3 programming language. Although spam bots can be used maliciously, they can also be used as a fun way to connect with friends and play games. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily create a Discord spam bot in Python.

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