How to make the status of a bot in the Python discord

Learn how to make a Discord bot with Python & give it a status w/ an example.

Creating a Bot in Python Discord

Creating a bot in Python Discord is easy and fun. The first step is to create a Discord account. Then, you'll need to create a bot user. To do this, navigate to the “Developer Portal” and select “Create an Application”. Give the application a name, a description, and an avatar. Then, select “Create a Bot User” and give it a username and a description.

The next step is to create a “Developer Portal”. This is the place where you will manage the bot’s settings, such as its avatar, description, and commands. To do this, select “Create a Developer Portal” and give it a name. Once the portal is created, you can use the “Bot Settings” tab to configure the bot’s settings.

The next step is to add the bot to your server. To do this, navigate to the “Server Settings” tab and click on the “Add Bot” button. You can then choose which server you want to add the bot to. Once the bot is added, it will appear in the server’s member list.

The last step is to create the bot’s commands. To do this, open the “Commands” tab and select “Create Command”. Give the command a name, a description, and a list of parameters. You can also set the command’s permissions, such as whether or not it can be used in public channels. Once you are finished, click “Create Command” to save the command.

Once the bot is setup, you can start using it in your server. You can use the “Help” command to see a list of available commands. You can also use the “Info” command to view information about the bot. Finally, you can use the “Status” command to view the bot’s current status.

// Get the bot's current status
  .then(status => {
  .catch(err => {

With the code above, you can get the bot’s current status. The status can be one of the following: online, idle, do not disturb, or offline. You can use this information to determine how active the bot is, or to display a message to users when the bot is offline.

Creating a bot in Python Discord is easy and fun. With just a few steps, you can have your own custom bot up and running in no time. Good luck!

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