How to make string python from int.

Transform ints to strs in Python with an example: learn how to use the str() method for casting ints as strings for text manipulation.

Converting an Integer to a String in Python

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks. It also provides a wide range of built-in functions, including functions for converting data types from one type to another. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to convert an integer to a string in Python.

Python has a built-in str() function that can be used to convert an integer to a string. All we need to do is pass the integer as an argument to the str() function, and it will return a string version of the integer. Here’s an example:

# integer
x = 10

# convert to string
x_str = str(x)

# print the type

# output
<class 'str'>

In the above example, we have declared an integer called x and assigned it a value of 10. We then used the str() function to convert the integer to a string and assigned it to a new variable called x_str. Finally, we used the print() function and the type() function to verify that the data type of the new variable is a string.

Apart from the str() function, there’s one more way to convert an integer to a string in Python. We can use the format() function to convert an integer to a string. Here’s an example:

# integer
y = 20

# convert to string
y_str = format(y)

# print the type

# output
<class 'str'>

In this example, we have declared an integer called y and assigned it a value of 20. We then used the format() function to convert the integer to a string and assigned it to a new variable called y_str. Finally, we used the print() function and the type() function to verify that the data type of the new variable is a string.

In summary, Python provides two built-in functions for converting integers to strings: the str() function and the format() function. Both functions can be used to convert an integer to a string.

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